Product Manager, The Office for creative research


Working on behalf of The Office for Creative Research, I managed the production of a multi-city data installation for Twitter which began as an interactive prototype built in Processing, and evolved into a custom Cinder application installed across multiple Twitter locations. My work began after round one of the design process led by OCR founder Jer Thorpe and designer/creative researcher Genevieve Hoffman.


  • To design a geography of Twitter, mapping live global Tweets by topic, location, author, and number of followers

  • To create an internal API for Twitter’s analysis of live trends

  • To ensure the highest standards of data privacy and security

  • To prescribe and ship installation hardware to core locations in time for beta testing

  • To provide simultaneous application deployment across all launch locations


  • Client Management: served as Twitter’s main point of contact, providing detailed updates and close communication, gathered feedback and ensured work quality

  • Product/Project Management: supported a cross-functional team in intensive design, prototyping, and custom application and API development; wrote user stories and managed the backlog; ensured time, budget, and application delivery

  • Storyboards: assisted design lead in mapping the user’s flow through the application, confirming design continuity across all use cases

  • Agile Process Management: led the transition from waterfall to an iterative Agile process to ensure faster deliveries in smaller, more testable increments

  • Security & Data Privacy: ensured compliance with Twitter’s data privacy standards; delivered detailed documentation and test results

  • Technical Research: performed installation hardware and application deployment research, collaborating with Twitter engineers and external vendors to document requirements, dependencies, risk factors, and launch steps

  • UAT & Deployment: led rapid rounds of UAT and bug fixing; collaborated with Twitter engineering to ensure successful application delivery to all core locations